Malaysian Home Cooking - Roti

If you like roti as much as we do - and it's hard to imagine anyone liking roti as much as us - then you may have also wondered if it's easy or hard to make.

The truth is - it's not that hard.

We gave it a go and managed - and they turned out pretty good too.

The Recipe is dead easy too - 2 cups of bread making flour, 1 cup of cold water and a pinch of salt - yes three ingredients plus some melted butter for later on. Just put the flour and salt in a bowl, make a well in the middle and slowly add the cold water. Mix it together then put it all on a floured board and knead it for at least ten minutes.

Roll it out and cut it into eight pieces - we made a double batch so thats why we had sixteen pieces. Wrap each piece in plastic for later. 

Then roll out one piece on a floured board until its quite thin, smear a little melted butter all over it and roll the piece up. Then twist it into a snail shape and flatten it with the roller again. Repeat this process. Heat and lightly oil pan and cook on medium heat turning once it lightly browns on one side. Tear the cooked piece apart - basically shred it to get the layers showing - and serve while hot. The verdict - they tasted really good and were pretty quick and easy to make. Were they as good as restaurant roti - no - but they were still pretty good and the mix makes plenty of them too.

Alternatively, you can just buy some frozen pre-made roti from most Asian supermarkets. We tried two varieties. Just put them, still frozen, into a lightly oiled pan. it's much faster than making them but a lot less fun. What do they taste like - pretty good actually - a bit closer to restaurant roti.

Would we do it again - absolutely. Our roti was fun to make and great to eat!

Sir and Mlady's Malaysian Home Cooking of Roti was supported by the Malaysian Kitchen Programme.